Professional Beauty Solutions and Bio-Therapeutic join forces in Australia!
We’re thrilled to announce the joint partnership of Bio-Therapeutic and Professional Beauty Solutions. This marriage will bring you Bio-Therapeutic’s forward-thinking technology, quality education, and lifetime support combined with Professional Beauty Solutions' 360° approach to business success and customer care.
"We’re so excited to partner with Bio-Therapeutic,because they are truly the gold standard in equipment excellence. From full size machines, to super-nimble handhelds, we know our clients are going to find these offerings an exceptional enhancement to their services." Matt & Lisa WilliamsCo-owners of Professional Beauty Solutions
Rewatch our PBS Launch Webinar
Featured Technologies To Enhance Your Treatments
1. Multifunctional
2. Refine & Smooth with Wet/Dry Microdermabrasion
3. Contour with Microcurrent
Contact Bio-Therapeutic Australia
Call 1800 625 387 or complete your details below. Distributed by Professional Beauty Solutions